Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Contemplative Prayer

As I begin a new ministry setting my plan is to periodically speak to the ways that I am learning to lead a life with God.  For those of you that do not know I have accepted two new positions recently.  One of those positions is as the coordinator of a ministry that works with first call pastors in the Northwestern Minnesota Synod and the Eastern North Dakota Synod.  The other position is as a pastor of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Moorhead MN. 

One of the things that beginning a new ministry affords us is the opportunity to start over with good habits.  Much of my first call was spent trying to figure out which end was up.  Towards the end of my tenure I began to feel upright and capable of exploring what it means to be a spiritual leader. 

The next two blogs are an invitation to contemplative prayer and some musings on first days in a new place.

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